Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Marvel Planning to Bombard the Airwaves with Four New Shows and a Miniseries

marvel montage

With the success of super heroes on the big screen, it's only natural that we should see them all moving down to the small screen as well. DC figured this out with their successful take on Green Arrow and then Marvel followed that up with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the snowball continues to roll. If the rumormill is to be believed, Marvel has four new shows coming, along with a miniseries.

The source of said rumor is Deadline, who said that Marvel is...

...quietly putting together a package of four drama series and a miniseries - a total of some 60 episodes - that would be taken out to the VOD and cable space, with Netflix, Amazon and WGN America rumored as potential candidates.

Of course, that doesn't tell us what they plan on putting together, though I'm sure they'll be letting us know as soon as they have some solid ideas ready to go. There have been rumors about an Agent Carter television show, so that's way up on the list. But what else could they be planning?

Anyone out there in Nerd Reader land care to hazard a guess at what Marvel characters we could see in the near future?

Thanks to ComicBookMovie for the heads-up.

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