Monday, December 23, 2013

So Reach will have matchmaking Firefight?

Game Informer asked Bungie's Joseph Staten a question about matching making in ODST's Firefight mode and got an interesting answer:

GI: Why isn't there any matchmaking in Firefight mode? Will this possibly be added in at a later date?

Staten - Firefight uses the same networking that we used for campaign co-op in Halo 3 and that code didn't support matchmaking. We could have added matchmaking support to Firefight for ODST, but that would have required a pretty huge amount of work by the same guys who were busy writing hot new networking code for Reach. Ultimately, we decided making the new hotness even hotter was the smarter (and sexier) thing to do.


So, what does this mean? Bungie has had a loootttt of time up their sleeve to code Reach so it seems reasonable to speculate that Firefight mode in Reach will have matchmaking i.e. you can find people who are not your 'friends' to play the game mode with. That last line about making things sexier is a pretty big hint...

This is good news as I felt Firefight mode was awesome in ODST but it was hard to enjoy the full value of it as it was hard getting one's gamer friends all arranged for several hours of play!

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