Friday, January 10, 2014

Whedon Promises More Black Widow for Your Buck in ‘Avengers 2′


Good news for anyone who's a fan of hot redheads that can kick your ass, because Avengers director Joss Whedon is saying that Black Widow, played by lovely Scarlett Johannson, will have a bigger role in the currently in development Age of Ultron.

"Natasha is a huge part of the sequel because you do want to concentrate on the people who don't have their own franchises," Whedon told MTV News.

Of course, Black Widow is hardly limited to The Avengers films, appearing next in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Whedon is still keen on Widow because of what she represents.

"Although she in 'Cap 2,' [and] she's great. She was the most fun for me because she's not a hero, you know, and it's something that I read-and I feel bad that I can't remember who wrote the book-but it's in one of the books explaining, 'These guys are heroes, you are a spy. It's a different thing-it's a different skill set-and you don't have their moral high ground or any of that good stuff.' And that just makes her so interesting to me. So yeah, the stuff I've got going on with her in the second one is killer."

Whedon has previously said that he'd like to give both Black Widow and Hawkeye some more screen time in Avengers 2, but the question is between Ultron, and the rumored appearance of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, which character or characters will get the short end of the stick in The Avengers sequel? Only time will tell.

What say you Bastards? Looking forward to more ScarJo?

Source: Comic Book Movie

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