The return to the Jurassic Park franchise, Jurassic World, is rolling right along and the cast is quickly filling up with faces both familiar and not-so-much familiar. And the latest potential addition appears to be none-other-than Josh Brolin.
So far no details are known other than the fact that Brolin is in talks and that he'd most likely be playing the lead. Considering he's the best known among the already confirmed cast members of Bryce Dallas Howard (The Twilight Saga), Ty Simpkins (Insidious) and Nick Robinson (Melissa & Joey), that would only make sense. Of course, Brolin has been bouncing back and forth on committing to the flick, so we'll have to wait to see where this goes.
Tune in next week for even more casting rumors revolving around giant dinosaur movies. Or just wait until June 12th, 2015 to see the damn movie for yourself.
Thanks to /film for the heads-up.